
5 Things Happening in Cybersecurity in 2024

An article for if you feel out of the cyber loop - an amateur's opinion

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5 Things Happening in Cybersecurity in 2024

2024 is well and truly underway -  a lot has happened, but there is still more than 70% of the year remaining. Who knows what is still to come in the ever evolving world of cybersecurity. Well, here are 5 things I predict:

1. AI being Overutilzed as a Tool

AI, the golden child of technology, has found its place in the cybersecurity realm. While its potential is undeniable, it seems like we've gone a bit overboard, turning to AI for just about everything from threat detection to automated response systems. Don't get me wrong, AI is a valuable tool, but let's not forget that it's only as good as the humans behind it. We need to strike a balance between leveraging AI's capabilities and not relying on it as a silver bullet solution.

2. Big Vendors being Targeted Big Time

No one is safe in the cyber battlegrounds of 2024, not even the big dogs. It's like watching a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, with cybercriminals relentlessly targeting major vendors. It's a reminder that no matter how big or well-protected you are, there's always a vulnerability waiting to be exploited. As consumers, it's a wake-up call to remain vigilant and hold these vendors accountable for safeguarding our data.

3. Increase in Supply Chain Attacks

Supply chain attacks are the ultimate Trojan horse of the digital age, infiltrating organizations through trusted partners and vendors. It's the cybersecurity equivalent of finding out your favorite snack is secretly filled with kale (no offense to kale lovers). With the increasing interconnectedness of digital ecosystems, these attacks are becoming more prevalent and harder to detect. It's a stark reminder that we're only as strong as our weakest link, emphasizing the need for robust supply chain security measures.

4. More Vulnerable Industrial Control Systems being Targeted

It's not just the virtual world that's under attack; our physical infrastructure is also at risk. Industrial control systems (ICS) are the backbone of critical infrastructure, and they're becoming prime targets for cyber threats. It's like a high-stakes game of digital Jenga, where one wrong move could have catastrophic consequences. As we continue to digitize and automate our industries, securing these systems should be a top priority to prevent potentially disastrous outcomes.

5. Big Hackers Targeting Big Companies (shocker)

In the world of cyber espionage, it's a tale as old as time – big hackers going after big fish. It's the digital equivalent of Ocean's Eleven, except the stakes are much higher, and the heists are far less glamorous. While it may not come as a shock, it serves as a reminder that no company is immune to cyber threats, regardless of size or reputation. It's a call to arms for organizations to shore up their defenses and stay one step ahead of the game.

These may seem like obvious statements to make, but they needed to be said. The threat landscape can change in a heartbeat and it's important to keep in mind that attackers would still rather go for the low-hanging SQL injection than the holy grail zero-day. 

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